Call for papers: Hermeneutics and Translation Studies

Hermeneutics and Translation Studies

1st Call for Papers

Even though Translation Studies and Hermeneutics share a common interest in the mediating processes, these two disciplines have co-existed and developed since the advent of Translation Studies in the mid 20th century with strikingly little interaction. The purpose of this symposium is to explore avenues in which Hermeneutics and Translation Studies could complement one another, thereby strengthen research on both oral and written mediation and the mediating processes. The symposium is conceived of as a forum for posing and discussing questions of relevance to these two disciplines. In particular, the purpose of the symposium is to begin developing the contours and goals of and simultaneously setting limits to the scope of an emerging discipline, Translational Hermeneutics, which could be developed by merging these heretofore distinct research strands.


1. A Retrospective: Hermeneutics and the Development of Translation Studies

2. The Future: the New Field of “Translational Hermeneutics”

3. Didactics of Translation and Interpreting from a Hermeneutical Point of View

4. Translation in Practice – Specialized Texts versus Literature

5. Hermeneutics, Culture and Postcolonial Translation Studies

6. Synergies: Hermeneutics and Cognitive Linguistics

7. Hermeneutics, Corpus Studies and Empirical Research – Conflicting Paradigms?


The symposium is scheduled to start in the morning of 26th of May, 2011 and end by 5:00 p.m. on the 27th of May, 2011. It will include papers and panel discussions. An evening dinner will be provided on the 26th of May to foster a discussion in a less formal atmosphere.


The symposium will take place in the Rotunde, a large, circular room overlooking the Rhine River at the University of Applied Sciences in Cologne. Accommodations are available within walking distance.


Abstracts for papers should be sent electronically as an attached file (MS Word format) to: Dr. John Stanley (

Abstracts for panel proposals should be submitted by the moderator as a single abstract of 300-500 words with a list of panellists (names and affiliations). Panels should deal with a clearly defined topic and consist of a 90-minute debate. These abstracts should be sent to: Dr. John Stanley (

All submissions should include a short author profile.


Congress languages will be English and German. Please submit your abstracts in the language the paper or panel discussion will be held in.


The deadline for submission of abstracts and panel proposals is 15th of February, 2011.

The scientific committee will inform potential contributors of its decision around March 1, 2011.


Radegundis Stolze, Larisa Cercel, John Stanley


John Stanley


A selection of contributions will be published as a volume of proceedings.


Symposium fees (2 Days, including refreshments and evening dinner)

Early Registration (by March 31, 2011)

Late Registration (as of April 1, 2011)

Students, Early Registration (by March 31, 2011)

Students, Late Registration (as of April 1, 2011)

€ 40,00

€ 60,00

€ 25,00

€ 50,00

Review: The Truth (and Untruth) of Language: Heidegger, Ricoeur and Derrida on Disclosure and Displacement

Gert-Jan van der Heiden, The Truth (and Untruth) of Language: Heidegger, Ricoeur and Derrida on Disclosure and Displacement, Duquesne University Press, 2010, 296pp, $25.00 (pbk), ISBN 9780820704340.

Reviewed by Karl Simms, University of Liverpool

Van der Heiden's project is deceptively modest: to understand how Heidegger, Ricoeur and Derrida address poetic language and truth through the twin concepts of disclosure and displacement. This, of course, already presupposes much: that truth is to be found in poetic language rather than any other sort (scientific, propositional, etc.), and that the concepts of disclosure and displacement are central to discerning a certain commonality of purpose between these three thinkers.

Van der Heiden's book is organised into four principal chapters: 'Heidegger on Disclosure and Language', 'The Transference of Writing', 'Inventions of Metaphor', and 'Mimesis in Myth and Translation'. In the first, he reminds us that for Heidegger, Being arrives to Dasein in a state of unconcealedness (alētheia), but that metaphysics from Plato on has veiled the way whereby Being brings its unconcealedness with it. In Sein und Zeit, the 'fundamental phenomenon of truth' is 'the disclosedness of Dasein' (p. 46), and on this rests a conception of language that is 'apophantic', which is to say, it reveals beings (to themselves), rather than representing the world. This apophantic, or showing, character of language is dependent on Dasein's disclosedness. In his later work, Heidegger turns towards the essence of language and in so doing sees language as the origin of disclosure itself, rather than being derivative of it. Along the way, Heidegger rejects the project (associated with Frege and the analytic tradition) of producing an unambiguous computable metalanguage: such a metalanguage by definition cannot find truth as disclosure within the heart of language itself, as a lived experience. By the same token Heidegger also rejects everyday speaking which, through its forgetting of the originarily authentic in its adoption of cliché and idle talk, does not bring language to language itself. This bringing of language to language can only be achieved, according to Heidegger, through poetic language, leading him to readings of Stefan George and Hölderlin as exemplars of poets who unconceal the essence of language to beings. Heidegger thus privileges Ereignis, the event whereby the appropriate word is said in poetry as an unconcealment of truth and reality. The essence of language is this poetic Sage, saying.

This leads Heidegger to a dismissal of writing as a displacement of this Sage, a displacement which conceals the essence of language. Thus disclosure and displacement are the two opposing poles which delimit the field of Heidegger's enquiry into language: disclosure as the unconcealment of language's essence and displacement as its concealment. It is at this point that van der Heiden sees Ricoeur and Derrida as engaging with Heidegger, both in accepting his premises regarding the alētheic nature of language, and in rejecting the opposition he establishes between writing and authentic saying. Ricoeur, we recall, appropriates and radicalises Gadamer's notion of distanciation. For Ricoeur, writing entails a fourfold distanciation. Firstly, it partakes of the distanciation common to any form of discourse, that between event and signification. What a piece of discourse means can always in principle be distanced from the event of its being articulated: I can have a conversation on a certain topic one day and tell a third party about it on another day. The second form of distanciation is peculiar to writing, in that a written text may be distanced from its explicit addressee, if it has one: 'the text addresses everyone who can read' (p.79). Thirdly, writing distances from the world, insofar as in hearing speech I understand meaning directly, whereas writing draws attention to its structure, form, genre and so on. What is significant about this for Ricoeur is that through this suspension of the world, written text is able to present an imaginary or fictive world: fiction refigures and redescribes the world we inhabit (it is not clear from Ricoeur's account, or from van der Heiden's summary of it, why the stories produced by oral cultures do not enjoy the same privilege). And fourthly, writing distances self from self, as when we 'lose ourselves' in a book. Contrary to Gadamer, who held that we impose our Vor-urteile (pre-judgements or prejudices) on texts, for Ricoeur we expose ourselves to texts. Texts increase the interpreter's understanding of the world while exposing his or her illusions.

More here.

Book: The Truth (and Untruth) of Language

The Truth (and Untruth) of Language

Heidegger, Ricoeur, and Derrida on Disclosure and Displacement

By Gert-Jan van der Heiden

$25.00 paper
ISBN: 978-0-8207-0434-0
300 pages

Book Information

Throughout the history of philosophy, the truth of language has often been considered from the perspective of the distinction between language that serves the transparency and univocality to which philosophy strives and language that threatens this goal. Linguistic phenomena such as writing, metaphor, and poetic mimesis are often considered examples of the latter form, and as a result, treacherous to truth; they would exemplify the “seduction of language,” as Husserl beautifully called it. Against this background, it is remarkable that contemporary hermeneutics often inquires into the relation between truth and language by taking these seductive forms of language as a point of departure. Contemporary hermeneutics does so in order to provide a new understanding of truth and untruth in relation to language.

In this study, Gert-Jan van der Heiden shows that this hermeneutic understanding of the relation between truth, untruth, and language can be clarified by inquiring into the meaning of two notions: disclosure and displacement. Unconcealment and hiding, truth and untruth, disclosure and displacement are the key notions to understanding the various conceptions of language in contemporary approaches to hermeneutics in continental philosophy. By painting a picture of the different meanings of these concepts in the work of Heidegger, Ricoeur, and Derrida, illuminating the differences and affinities of their respective projects, he finds an original way of showing how these three thinkers mutually discuss the relation between truth and language.

The Truth (and Untruth) of Language also confirms Heidegger’s continued influence in contemporary debates by tracing the influence of his account of the disclosure and displacement of language in the reigning schools of hermeneutical thought in continental philosophy. As a result, he offers a clear account of the comparison between hermeneutics and deconstruction by elucidating Ricoeur and Derrida’s shared resource of Heidegger’s project.

“Van der Heiden clearly locates the problem of language around its double ability to disclose the essence of things and displace the essence of things. No one has penetrated the Heidegger hinge between Ricoeur and Derrida as much as van der Heiden has.” — Leonard Lawlor, Edwin Erie Sparks Professor of Philosophy, Penn State University

Author Information

GERT-JAN VAN DER HEIDEN is assistant professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Radboud University Nijmegen (the Netherlands) and holds doctoral degrees in both mathematics and philosophy. He has previously published journal articles in Philosophy Today, Symposium, and International Journal for Philosophy and Theology.

Book Reviews

Van der Heiden clearly locates the problem of language around its double ability to disclose the essence of things and displace the essence of things . . . No one has penetrated the Heidegger hinge between Ricoeur and Derrida as much as van der Heiden has.” — Leonard Lawlor, Edwin Erie Sparks Professor of Philosophy, Penn State University

Article: Carolina Paganine: A tradução ou o absurdo do possível: ‘On Translation’ de Paul Ricœur.

Carolina Paganine (2010): “A tradução ou o absurdo do possível: ‘On Translation’ de Paul Ricœur” in: Scientia traductionis, 7 (2010), 93-102.

Abstract: This article seeks to present Paul Ricoeur’s main idea on translation as exposed in his book On translation (2006) which ultimately views the various translation’s dilemma in a positive perspective. By calling up theories of different thinkers on translation and on language issues, we aim at emphasizing translation’s intrinsically paradoxical character, something that serves at the foundation of its own possibility of its achievement, that is, to think of translation as a task that lies in the “absurd of the possible”.

New book: Thinking through Translation with Metaphors

New book: Thinking through Translation with Metaphors: "Thinking through Translation with Metaphors
Edited by James St. Andre
ISBN 1-905763-22-0, 22.50 (inc. postage and packing)
Thinking through Translation with Metaphors explores a wide range of metaphorical figures used to describe the translation process, from Aristotle to the present.
Most practitioners and theorists of translation are familiar with a number of metaphors for translation, such as the metaphor of the bridge, following in another?s footsteps, performing a musical score, changing clothes, or painting a portrait; yet relatively little attention has been paid to what these metaphorical models reveal about how we conceptualize translation. Drawing on insights from recent developments in metaphor theory, contributors to this volume reveal how central metaphorical language has been to translation studies at all periods of time and in various cultures. Metaphors have played a key role in shaping the way in which we understand translation, determining what facets of the translation process are deemed to be important and therefore merit study, and aiding in the training of successive generations of translators and theorists. While some of the papers focus mainly on past metaphorical representations, others discuss recent shifts in both metaphor and translation theory, while others still propose innovative metaphors in a bid to transform translation studies.
The volume also includes an annotated bibliography of works centrally concerned with metaphors of translation.
Table of Contents
Translation and Metaphor: Setting the Terms
James St. Andr, University of Manchester, UK
Abstract. Theorists of translation have persistently used a wide, at times bewildering, range of metaphors to describe the translation process. Despite a period of roughly forty years in the post WWII era (1945-85) in which such metaphoric language was downplayed or even denigrated, recent developments in metaphor theory have led to a resurgence in interest in how metaphors shape our basic understanding of the world and may in fact lead to breakthroughs in a wide variety of scientific fields. This paper first traces briefly the combination of factors (historic mistrust of metaphoric language in Western philosophy, the rise of logical positivism in the sciences, the linguistic basis of translation studies in the post-war period, and problems with the misuse of metaphors in translation studies) that led to the neglect of the study of metaphors in a wide variety of academic discourses in the 20th century, and translation studies in particular. Two developments in metaphor theory that led to its redeployment are then briefly explored: the work of Max Black and others on metaphor as cognitive instrument in the sciences, and the work of Lakoff and Johnson on the pervasive presence of conceptual metaphors in everyday language. Finally, the article situates the individual essays in the current volume and suggests ways in which the study of metaphors of translation may further enrich the field.
Something old
Imitating Bodies, Clothes: Refashioning the Western Conception of Translation
Ben Van Wyke, Indiana University-Purdue, University Indianapolis (IUPUI), USA
Abstract. The concepts of translation and metaphor are intimately connected in the West. Not only do they share a common etymology in many European languages, but both have been designated as secondary forms of representation in the Platonic tradition. Consequently, translation and metaphor have undergone similar revisions in contemporary, post-Nietzschean philosophy, which has given them positions of primary importance. One metaphor that has frequently been used to describe translation is that of dressmaking ? meaning is viewed as a body and the translator?s job is to redress this meaning in the clothes of another language. Using this common metaphor, I will highlight a common thread in our conception of translation that has basically remained unchanged throughout the ages, a thread that can be tied directly to Plato?s theory of representation. Nietzsche radically placed into question this Platonic model, beginning with a reformulation of the traditional relationship between metaphor and truth. After examining the implications of his critique of Platonism, I will turn to Nietzsche?s own use of the metaphor of dress, which will help us recast our conception of translation by focusing on elements that have traditionally been left out of the picture.
Performing Translation
Yotam Benshalom, Centre of Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Warwick, UK
Abstract. Translators are similar to actors: they both assume altered identities in an effort to modify a sign system and represent it in front of an audience. They are both praised for being creative, but also blamed for being technicians; treated as servants of truth, but also as masters of deceit. This paper aims at further developing the metaphor of translation as performance by isolating specific issues dealt with by actors and theatre scholars and reviewing their relevance to translation practice. One of these issues is the question of time concept: translators, used to revising their work when they wish, may still benefit from strategies developed by performers who cannot go back in time and correct their errors. Another issue involves impersonation: performance scholars, like Diderot and Stanislavsky, have dealt with the question whether practitioners who imitate a persona should perfect their external performances or change their internal natures. The conclusions they draw may be relevant to translators. The limits of this metaphor can be pushed even further by adapting additional performance issues to the realities of translation. The acting metaphor thus exemplifies the fertility of interaction between translation studies and other disciplines and also contributes to the status of translation as an art.
Metaphorical Models of Translation: Transfer vs Imitation and Action
Celia Martn de Len, PETRA Research Group, University of Las Palmas, Spain
Abstract. Metaphorical models play an essential role in scientific reasoning. Through analogical thinking, they guide the elaboration of hypotheses in domains that do not have a clear conceptual structure. Traditionally, the domain of translation has been conceptualized through different metaphors, some of which are still used in modern translation studies. According to the principles of cognitive linguistics, it can be hypothesized that the way in which a person translates might be associated with the way in which that person conceptualizes translation. Since metaphor is an important tool for conceptualizing complex domains, conceptual metaphor theory offers a coherent theoretical frame for both a systematic study of metaphorical models of translation and research into the relations and potential interaction between those models and translation practice. Following this approach, the paper analyzes the basic structure underlying some prevalent metaphors in writings on translation (transfer, footsteps, target, assimilation, reincarnation, and projection) and the implicit communication models they assume, and puts forward some hypotheses about the way in which each metaphor might influence the translator?s work.
Something new
Western Metaphorical Discourses Implicit in Translation Studies
Maria Tymoczko, Department of Comparative Literature, University of Massachusetts, USA
Abstract. Dominant words for ?translation? in most (Western) European languages (such as translation, traduccin, traduction, and bersetzung) represent central cognitive metaphors for translation, signifying such things as carrying, setting, or leading across. These metaphors for textual translation became dominant in the late Middle Ages, associated with pressures to translate the Bible into the vernacular languages and encoding orientations related to the beginnings of the European age of imperialism. In a densely woven argument, this article demonstrates that the ascendancy of dominant contemporary Eurocentric cognitive metaphors for ?translation? inverted Cicero?s valorization of sense-for-sense over word-for-word translation, resulting in a pervasive orientation toward literalism in modern Eurocentric expectations about textual translation. The metaphors suggest there should be full semantic transfer between source text and target text and that protocols for achieving such results are possible. A central contention is that the strength of these metaphors rests in large part on Western European sacralization of the word, itself a consequence of the early Christian translation of the logos of God in New Testament Greek as verbum, ?word (Word)?, in Latin translations of the Bible, with the result that Jesus became equated with the Word become flesh. This metaphorical conceptualization persists in vernacular translations of the Bible into Western European languages to the present, contributing to the view of words themselves as numinous and the valorization of literalism in translation and other domains.
Squeezing the Jellyfish: Early Western Attempts to Characterize Translation from the Japanese
Valerie Heniuk, University of East Anglia, UK
Abstract. Translation has typically been conceptualized as a bridge, a mirror, a window through which we gaze at the original, a fountain from which we obtain water when we cannot go directly to the stream, the action of carrying across, and so on. Most of these images have lost their power to make us take seriously how they filter or even distort what we see as being involved in the process. Setting aside such dead metaphors and instead trying to think of translation as the squeezing of a jellyfish, as one early anthology of Japanese literature puts it, cannot help but force us to come at the problem from a fresh perspective. When Japan opened to the West in the mid-19th century, translators struggled to describe their experience of rendering this newly discovered canon into a foreign tongue, and often ended up employing eccentric images in order to do so. This article considers some of those images, including the jellyfish one and a cluster referring to such chemical or alchemical processes as distillation, filtration and sublimation. It thereby explores how translation is conceptualized via figurative language, and thus how metaphor may constitute a particular view ? if not a theory ? of cross-cultural transposition.
Something borrowed
Metaphor as a Metaphor for Translation
Rainer Guldin, Universit della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland
Abstract. There are three major points of contact between translation studies and metaphor theory: the use of specific metaphors to describe the functioning of translation, the use of translation as a metaphor for exchange and transformation within different forms of discourse, and the question of the translatability of metaphors and the development of translational strategies necessary to achieve this. There is, however, a fourth possibility that has not encountered yet all the attention it deserves: Metaphor and translation share a series of structural similarities and their history within the Western tradition has been interlinked from the very beginning. Traces of this shared but not always explicitly acknowledged history can be detected in the common etymology of the two notions in Greek, Latin and English. Throughout history, furthermore, shifts in the appraisal of metaphor have very often found their echo in corresponding reappraisals within translation studies. Instead of studying the different metaphors used to describe translational processes and the theoretical points of view they imply, this paper therefore focuses on the different theoretical approaches developed with regard to the functioning of metaphor in an attempt to investigate the workings of translation and some of the stages translation studies has gone through. To put it in other words, the paper focuses on the meta-communicative potential of metaphor as a metaphor for translation.
Metaphors for Metaphor Translation
Enrico Monti, Universit di Bologna , Italy
Abstract. This essay analyzes the metaphors used by translation scholars to define metaphor translation. The topic has elicited a surge of interest in translation studies since the late 1970s, and here a corpus of some 15 essays is taken into account, covering a diverse range of approaches to the issue. The main narrative is that of metaphor as a problem in translation, which finds its way through most if not all of the essays considered here. While not being dissociated from the traditional narrative of a more general theory of translation, in this specific case the activity seems almost doomed to failure. This is also confirmed by a number of spatial metaphors drawing a borderline space for metaphor translation and locating metaphors at the ?limits of translatability?. A final set of metaphors identified in the corpus resorts to the concepts of dimensions and forces, in order to allow a more encompassing view of the figure and its translation. Such models attempt to move beyond the narrative of a troublesome, unsolvable activity, towards a non-simplistic, quantitative approach to the issue.

Yves Bonnefoy?s Metaphors on Translation
Stphanie Roesler, McGill University, Canada
Abstract. Although poet-translators rarely share details of their craft, Yves Bonnefoy is one notable exception. This article examines the ways in which Bonnefoy employs metaphors to elucidate both the role of the translator and the translation process. One is immediately struck by a group of metaphors Bonnefoy employs to describe the relationship between author and translator, all of which suggest friendship and intimacy and establish the translator as a privileged interlocutor. Another set of metaphors depicts the translator as an explorer. The translator journeys into the recesses of the poet?s psyche, trying to decipher his thoughts in order to re-express them through another poetic language. A third set of metaphors suggests that translating is less about the original text and its author than about the translator himself. In these metaphors, Bonnefoy invokes the senses: he proposes, for example, that translating consists in feeding on the teachings of another poet. Last but not least, translation is, in Bonnefoy?s words, an occasion for self-reflection, suggesting a self-oriented and narcissistic process. Ultimately, the metaphors used by Bonnefoy in his articulation of the translation process ask us to reconsider both the translator?s role in the translation of poetry and the profound motivations that lie behind this enterprise.
Something blue
Translation as Smuggling
Sergey Tyulenev, Cambridge University, UK
Abstract. This paper considers the epistemological and methodological potential of the metaphor ?translation is smuggling?, in particular as it relates to the axis of visibility/invisibility of the translator or other agents of the translation process. The metaphorization of translation as smuggling is shown to be a middle case between the two extremes: visibility and invisibility of the translator, allowing researchers to overcome this simplistic dichotomy. In the illustrative part of the paper, translation as smuggling is analyzed in two domains: the social-political and the sexual. Examples are taken from Russian translation history, mainly Boris Pasternak?s and Ivan Dmitriev?s translations of Western European writers. The metaphor ?translation is smuggling? is shown to be a useful methodological tool for studying translation as practised under various ideological and ethical pressures. Under the surface of its text, the translator as smuggler introduces a hidden content charged with a concealed subversive mission. This content represents the translator?s own convictions, sentiments, and anxieties not found in the source text.

Passing through Translation
James St. Andr, University of Manchester, UK
Abstract. In this paper I demonstrate that cross-identity performance, a new and specific metaphor for translation related to acting, has several points to recommend it. It covers a number of different but related types of performance, including passing, slumming, drag, blackface, yellowface, impersonation and masquerade. In each of these activities, a number of variables, including appearance versus reality, the relative power relationship between representer and represented, how knowledge of the Other is linked to knowledge of the self, and the meaning of border crossing, lead to a spectrum of practices which can be mapped on to an extremely wide variety of translation practices. The metaphor also draws attention to the importance of both aural and visual signs. The ability to mimic the speech patterns of others is crucial to successful cross-identity performance, and this should make us more aware of the importance of ?voice? even in written translation, to say nothing of oral interpretation. Furthermore, various dichotomies in translation studies, such as the visibility or invisibility of the translator, source norms versus target norms and domestication versus foreignization, might be overcome, or at least problematized, by the metaphor of cross-identity performance. Finally, I suggest that there are links with post-structural attempts to dislodge the author and the original text from their throne and open up translation studies to a more radical vision of the field.

An Annotated Bibliography of Works Concerned with Metaphors of Translation
James St. Andre
List of Contributors

Review: Irène Kuhn, Antoine Bermanns "produktive" Übersetzungskritik

Rolf Pütter über Antoine Bermans „produktive“ Übersetzungskritik von Irène Kuhn,
Schon 1995, anlässlich eines Kolloquiums zum Thema Literaturimport und Literaturkritik in Düsseldorf, berief sich die Übersetzerin Irène Kuhn auf ihren französischen Kollegen Antoine Berman, indem sie ihrem Beitrag ein Zitat aus seinem letzten, postum erschienenen Werk Pour une critique des traductions: John Donne[1] voranstellte:
Wenn Kritik folgendes bedeutet: strenge Analyse einer Übersetzung, Analyse ihrer Grundzüge, des Übersetzungsprojekts, aus dem sie hervorgegangen ist, Analyse des Horizonts, an dem sie aufgetaucht ist, Eingehen auf die Position des Übersetzers; wenn also Kritik grundsätzlich darauf abzielt, die innere Wahrheit einer jeden Übersetzungherauszuarbeiten, dann muß man zugeben, daß die Übersetzungskritik über ihre Anfänge noch nicht hinweggekommen ist.[2]

Sie fühlte sich von dieser Einschätzung Bermans wohl auch deshalb unmittelbar angesprochen, weil ihre eigenen Erfahrungen als Übersetzerin in die gleiche Richtung wiesen:

In all diesen Jahren, bei all den sehr verschiedenen Titeln – viele Romane, aber auch Sachbücher, Essays, Theaterstücke, Kunstkritik, Kinderliteratur – ist mir noch nie von Seiten der offiziellen Kritik ein einziges ernst zu nehmendes Wort über das Geleistete gesagt worden, ein Wort der Beachtung, sei es lobend oder tadelnd, geschweige denn ein Wort der Würdigung. Damit meine ich durchaus Konkretes: Antworten auf Fragen, die ich mir selbst stelle, die ich aus mangelnder Distanz zur Sache nicht zu beantworten vermag. Ist es mir etwa gelungen, die Übersetzung in ein „reines Deutsch“ zu bringen, ein dem Original angemessenes? Gibt es Stellen, die noch „übersetzt“ wirken, ungelöst? Hat mein Ohr den Grundton, den Sprachgestus des Originals gehört und ist er wenigstens annähernd in meinen Text eingegangen? Was ist gut geworden, was ist mißglückt?[3]

More here.

Book: Irène Kuhn, Antoine Bermanns "produktive" Übersetzungskritik

Irène Kuhn
Antoine Bermanns "produktive" Übersetzungskritik
Entwurf und Erprobung einer Methode

Series: Transfer
Volume: 15

Number of pages: 214
Cover: kartoniert

Date of publication: 24.10.2007

Edition: 1. Auflage
ISBN: 9783823340942
ISBN13: 978-3-8233-4094-2
Reference number: 14094

Symposium: Hermeneutics and Translation Studies

Hermeneutics and Translation Studies

Conference on May 26/27, 2011, in Cologne, Germany

Hermeneutics is the discipline that has traditionally dealt with mediating processes and human understanding. Authors such as Fritz Paepcke and Georg Steiner endeavored to establish hermeneutics within translation studies. However, since its inception in the mid 20th century, the field of translation studies has been dominated to a large extent by linguistics. With the pragmatic and cultural turns later on, there has been a growing awareness that the linguistic paradigm is too limited in scope. Recently it has been especially Radegundis Stolze who has tried to re-establish hermeneutics as a viable paradigm in translation studies.

The goal of this conference is to explore avenues in which Hermeneutics could compliment and strengthen research on mediation and the mediating processes in order to more clearly define modern hermeneutical translation studies. We herewith invite interested scholars to the conference on 26th and 27th of May, 2011, at the University of Applied Sciences, Cologne.

Some suggested topics for contributions are:

1. A Retrospective: Hermeneutics and the Development of Translation Studies

2. The Future: the New Field of “Translation Hermeneutics”

3. Didactics of Translation and Interpreting from a Hermeneutical Point of View

4. Translation in Practice – Specialized Texts versus Literature

5. Hermeneutics, Culture and Postcolonial Translation Studies

6. Synergies: Hermeneutics and Cognitive Linguistics

7. Hermeneutics, Corpus Studies and Empirical Research – Conflicting Paradigms?

Further information: John Stanley,

Hermeneutik und Übersetzungsforschung

Symposion am 26./27. Mai 2011 in Köln

Die Hermeneutik als Sprachphilosophie befasst sich mit der Möglichkeit des Verstehens und Vermittlungsprozessen. Autoren wie Fritz Paepcke oder Georg Steiner versuchten schon früh, die Hermeneutik für Fragen des Übersetzens fruchtbar zu machen. Allerdings war die Übersetzungswissenschaft seit ihrem Beginn Mitte des 20. Jh. stark von der Linguistik dominiert, und erst mit der Hinwendung zu Pragmatik und Kulturwissenschaft erfolgte eine Erweiterung der Perspektive. Neuerdings hat insbesondere Radegundis Stolze versucht, die Hermeneutik als ein übergreifendes Paradigma der Übersetzungsforschung zu etablieren.

Auf dieser Tagung sollen Wege der Erforschung von Mitteilungsprozessen, Übersetzen und Dolmetschen aus hermeneutischer Perspektive erkundet werden, um so das Konzept einer modernen Übersetzungshermeneutik stärker einzugrenzen.

Eingeladen sind Beiträge zu folgenden Arbeitsbereichen:

1. Rückblick: Hermeneutik und die Entwicklung der Übersetzungswissenschaft

2. Die Zukunft: das neue Feld der „Übersetzungshermeneutik“

3. Didaktik des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens aus hermeneutischer Sicht

4. Übersetzungspraxis – Fachtexte vs. Literatur

5. Hermeneutik, Kultur und Postkolonialismus

6. Synergien: Hermeneutik und Kognitionsforschung

7. Sind Hermeneutik, Korpusanalysen und empirische Forschung unvereinbar?

Weitere Information: John Stanley,

Article: Einleitung in die Ethik: qualche nota sulla (buona) traduzione italiana

Einleitung in die Ethik: qualche nota sulla (buona) traduzione italiana
martedì, marzo 23, 2010

By Roberta De Monticelli

Preparando le lezioni (anche) in riferimento al testo, che mi pare in generale ben tradotto, di E. Husserl, Introduzione all’etica, a c. di F.S. Trincia, trad. it. di N. Zippel, Laterza, Bari 2009, che traduce parte di Husseliana Bd XXXVII, mi è avvenuto di fare qualche osservazione relativa a scelte di traduzione, che sottopongo ai curatori e alla comunità di ricerca.

More here.

Talk: Translating The Second Sex

Translating THE SECOND SEX: A Discussion with the Translators of the New English Edition of Simone de Beauvoir’s Classic Feminist Work
Monday, September 13, 2010, 7 p.m.
Event Oval, The Diana Center, Barnard College, 3009 Broadway, New York City

Widely regarded as the “bible of feminism,” Simone de Beauvoir’s *Le Deuxième Sexe* (1949) is a complex interdisciplinary analysis of the Western notion of “woman” and the power of sexuality. Newly translated and unabridged in English for the first time, *The Second Sex* (2010) is as relevant today as it was sixty years ago. In this panel discussion, translators Constance Borde and Sheila Malovany-Chevallier will describe their efforts to render *The Second Sex* in a manner faithful to its context in existentialist philosophy, their struggle to publish the work, and its appraisal by the critics. A Q&A session and reception will follow. Sponsored by a grant from the Mellon Foundation.

For more information (and to download a poster), please see the event web-page at:

or contact:

Susan Johnson, Co-ordinator
Barnard Center for Translation Studies
(212) 851-5979"

Article: Carla Canullo, La traduzione come esperienza di mediazione nel dialogo tra culture

Carla Canullo, “La traduzione come esperienza di mediazione nel dialogo tra culture” in F. Mora, L. Ruggiu (edd.), Soggettività, ontologia, linguaggio, Libreria editrice Cafoscarina, Venezia, p. 83-102.

Book: Peter Ives and Rocco Lacorte (edit.), Gramsci, Language, and Translation

Gramsci, Language, and Translation
Series: Cultural Studies/Pedagogy/Activism

Edited by Peter Ives and Rocco Lacorte

This anthology brings together key articles translated into English for the first time from Italian debates concerning Antonio Gramsci's writings on language and translation as central to his entire social and political thought. It includes recent scholarship by Italian, German and English-speaking scholars providing important contributions to debates concerning culture, language, Marxism, post-Marxism, and identity as well as the many fields in which Gramsci's notion of hegemony has been influential. Given the growing literature on the role of language and so-called 'global English' within process of globalisation or cultural and economic imperialism, this is a timely collection.

Franco Lo Piparo is often cited as the key source for how Gramsci's university studies in linguistics is at the core of his entire political theory, and yet none of this work has been translated into English nor have the debates that it spawned. Lo Piparo's specific thesis concerning the "non-Marxist roots" of Gramsci's originality and the critical responses to it have been almost unknown to non-Italian readers. These debates paved the way for important recent Italian work on the role of the concept of 'translation' in Gramsci's thought. While translation has become a staple metaphor in discussions of multiculturalism, globalization, and the politics of recognition, until now, Gramsci's focus on it has been undeveloped. What is at stake in this literature is more than Gramsci's understanding of language as one of the many themes in his writings, but the core of his central ideas including hegemony, culture, the philosophy of praxis, and Marxism in general. This volume presents the most important arguments of these debates in English in conjunction with the latest research on these central aspects of Gramsci's thought.

The essays this volume rectify lacunae concerning language and translation in Gramsci's writings. They open dialogue and connections between Gramscian approaches to the relationships among language, culture, political economy, and historical materialism with other Marxist and non-Marxist thinkers such as Walter Benjamin, Valentin Volosinov, Mikhail Bakhtin, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Jurgen Habermas, Pierre Bourdieu, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Derrida. It provides novel arguments concerning Gramsci's theories and the relationships among power, politics, language, consciousness, and capitalism.

List of Contributors
Giorgio Baratta, Derek Boothman, Lucia Borghese, Francisco F. Buey, Tullio De Mauro, Fabio Frosini, Stefano Gensini, Marcus Green, Peter Ives, Rocco Lacorte, Maurizio Lichtner, Franco Lo Piparo, Utz Maas, Luigi Rosiello, Edoardo Sanguineti, Anne Showstack Sassoon, André Tosel

About the Editors
Peter Ives, PhD, is associate professor of politics at the University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Canada. He is the author of Gramsci's Politics of Language: Engaging the Bakhtin Circle and the Frankfurt School (2004).

Rocco Lacorte, MA, is a doctoral candidate in Italian Literature at the University of Chicago.

Table of Contents for Gramsci, Language, and Translation

Introduction—Translating Gramsci on Language, Translation, and Politics
Peter Ives and Rocco Lacorte

Part I—Gramsci's Linguistics and Gramsci's Marxism
Chapter 1—The Linguistic Roots of Gramsci's Non-Marxism
Franco Lo Piparo
Chapter 2—Linguistics and Marxism in the Thought of Antonio Gramsci
Luigi Rosiello
Chapter 3—Language from Nature to History: More on Gramsci the Linguist
Tullio De Mauro
Chapter 4—Linguistics and the Political Question of Language
Stefano Gensini
Chapter 5—Gramsci the Linguist
Utz Maas
Chapter 6—Gramsci from One Century to Another
Interview with Edoardo Sanguineti by Giorgio Baratta

Part II—Language, Translation, Politics, and Culture
Chapter 7—Translation and Translatability
Derek Boothman
Chapter 8—Aunt Alene on Her Bicycle: Antonio Gramsci as Translator from German and as Translation Theorist
Lucia Borghese
Chapter 9—On 'Translatability' in Gramsci's Prison Notebooks
Fabio Frosini
Chapter 10—Translations and Metaphors in Gramsci
Maurizio Lichtner
Chapter 11—Translatability, Language, and Freedom in Gramsci's Prison Notebooks
Rocco Lacorte

Part III—Politics, Theory, and Method
Chapter 12—Language and Politics in Gramsci
Francisco F. Buey
Chapter 13—Gramsci's Subversion of the Language of Politics
Anne Showstack Sassoon
Chapter 14—Some Notes on Gramsci the Linguist
Tullio De Mauro
Chapter 15—The Lexicon of Gramsci's Philosophy of Praxis
André Tosel
Chapter 16—Subalternity and Language: Enabling the Subaltern to Speak
Marcus Green and Peter Ives


Article: Larisa Cercel, Subjektiv und intersubjektiv in der hermeneutischen Übersetzungstheorie

Larisa Cercel

Subjektiv und intersubjektiv in der hermeneutischen Übersetzungstheorie

The subjective and intersubjective dimensions in the hermeneutical theory of translation

Much criticism regarding the theory of hermeneutics in translation focuses on the acceptance of subjectivity in translation. One of the objections brought into discussion is the difficulty of hermeneutics in objectifying and formalizing the translator’s subjectivity, which in turn leads to the more radical question of the scientific status of hermeneutics itself. Surprisingly enough, critics often forget that a central aspect of the hermeneutical theory of translation, both in the past and at present, is the endeavour to find an acceptable scientific and intersubjective ground for interpretation. The aim of this article is to show how the hermeneutical theory of translation illustrates the play between subjective and intersubjective, subjective and objective dimensions. The contributions of F. Schleiermacher, R. Stolze and B. Stefanink to this topic will also be discussed.

Keywords: The hermeneutical theory of translation, subjectivity, intersubjectivity, understanding, intuition, creativity, intersubjective plausibility.


Book contribution: Emanuela Fornari, Senso e traduzione. Religioni, culture, logiche identitarie.

Emanuela Fornari, Senso e traduzione. Religioni, culture, logiche identitarie.


Article: Amrollah Hemmat, Contemporary Hermeneutics and the Role of the Self in Translation

Amrollah Hemmat (2009): “Contemporary Hermeneutics and the Role of the Self in Translation” in: MonTI 1 / 2009, p. 157-174

Abstract: Hermeneutic investigations, which gained momentum by Schleiermacher in the early nineteenth century, seem to have led, by the close of the twentieth century, to a much deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the role of the translator. Various scientific and philosophical forces and moves have merged, reinforced each other, and ended in a confluence of theories which address the translator's concerns for the subjectivity of translation. This confluence is informed both by mainstream schools of thought such as Heidegger's and Gadamer's hermeneutic studies, Derrida's deconstructionism, Wittgenstein's adventures with language games, Michel Foucault's attention to reflexivity, and by more recent and less recognized works such as Gregory Bateson's systems and cybernetics thinking, Kenneth Burke's rhetoric and communication studies, Ervin Goffman's sociological studies, and finally Alton Lewis Becker's direct attempt in understanding the process of translation. This article synthesizes contemporary thought leading to such a hermeneutics understanding. It weaves together divergent approaches from different disciplines and draws an integrated perspective on the role of the translator. The author demonstrates that the long lived tension between traditional philology with its concern for the translator's fidelity to the original text and the contemporary hermeneutics view with its emphasis on the unique role of the translator as the co-creator of the text seems to have arrived at a relative reconciliation and ease through studies in self reflexivity.


Article: Hospitalité et traduction. Pour penser dans le cadre de la philosophie de la libération

MENA MALET P., Hospitalité et traduction. Pour penser dans le cadre de la philosophie de la libération (text read at the University Federico II, Tuesday 26 June 2007 at Naples).

Article: Ethical Problems in Translation: Why We Might Need Steiner After All

Phil Goodwin (2010): “Ethical Problems in Translation: Why We Might Need Steiner After All” in: The Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication, Volume 16, Number 1, 2010, p. 19-42

Abstract: Translation represents the quintessential ethical situation of the encounter with the other. Beginning from Levinas, this paper argues that translation is intrinsically ethical. Making extensive use of a case study from the theoretical literature (Jenin, Jenin, in Baker 2006), the paper demonstrates that the issues raised by this translation are profoundly ethical, rather than merely technical. Attempts to resolve these issues by 'importing' an ethical theory (rights theory is the example used here) are shown to be unsuccessful. However, the hermeneutical model of translation already contains within itself an ethics of translation. This is exemplified by Steiner's hermeneutic of translation as described in After Babel (Steiner 1975/1998). After considering some objections to Steiner's work, the paper argues that it
should be regarded as a bridge between Levinas' philosophical ethics and the practical issues of translation.

Journal: Paradigmi


Lunedì 10 maggio, alle ore 17.30, presso l'Aula Motzo della Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, verrà presentato il numero monografico della rivista filosofica “Paradigmi” (2, 2009) sul tema della traduzione.

Luca Illetterati (Università di Padova)

Rosaria Egidi (Università Roma Tre)
Lia Formigari (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”) Elisabetta Gola (Università di Cagliari) Giulia Piredda (Università di Cagliari) Pietro Storari (Università di Cagliari)

Sarà presente la curatrice del volume: Francesca Ervas.

L'evento è organizzato dal Dipartimento di Scienze pedagogiche e filosofiche e dal corso di laurea in Scienze della comunicazione dell’Università di Cagliari.

Lectures in Naples

Università di Napoli 'Federico II'

Le forme del linguaggio

29 aprile 2010
La traducibilità del linguaggio umano
Prof. Angelo Bottone (Dublino)
Aula Aliotta, ore 12-14

30 aprile 2010
L'intraducibilità del linguaggio animale
Prof. Angelo Bottone (Dublino)
Aula Aliotta, ore 11-13

10 maggio 2010
Prof. L. Begioni (Lille)
La meccanica del linguaggio
Aula Franchini, ore 11-13

Article: Sophie R. Allen, Can Theoretical Underdetermination support the Indeterminacy of Translation?

Can Theoretical Underdetermination support the Indeterminacy of Translation?
Revisiting Quine’s ‘Real Ground’

It is commonly believed that Quine’s principal argument for the Indeterminacy of
Translation requires an untenably strong account of the underdetermination of theories
by evidence, namely that that two theories may be compatible with all possible
evidence for them and yet incompatible with each other. In this article, I argue that
Quine’s conclusion that translation is indeterminate can be based upon the weaker,
uncontroversial conception of theoretical underdetermination, in conjunction with
a weak reading of the ‘Gavagai’ argument which establishes the underdetermination
of the sense and reference of subsentential terms. If underdetermination is considered
to be a widespread phenomenon in science, or in inductive reasoning more
generally, then the Indeterminacy of Translation will be widespread too. Finally, I
briefly consider two issues concerning the scope of this conclusion about the
Indeterminacy of Translation: first, whether the argument presupposes behaviourism;
and second, whether indeterminacy is restricted to the case of radical translation.
I argue that the answer to both these questions is negative, and thus that the thesis of
semantic indeterminacy remains relevant to those who disagree with Quine about
some issues concerning the nature of mind and language.


Book: Grupo Alfaqueque, Los límites de Babel. Ensayos sobre la comunicación entre lenguas y culturas

Grupo Alfaqueque
Los límites de Babel. Ensayos sobre la comunicación entre lenguas y culturas.
Madrid / Frankfurt, 2010, Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 162 p., € 24.80
ISBN: 9788484895138
En un recorrido espacio-temporal que va de la América colonial a la emigración española en Alemania, pasando por los reinos medievales hispanos, se analiza el papel del intérprete como mediador entre lenguas y culturas.


Call for papers: Travelling Languages: Culture, Communication and Translation in a MobileWorld

Travelling Languages: Culture, Communication and Translation in a MobileWorld: "

10th Annual Conference of the International Association of Languages and Intercultural Communication
In association with Schoolof ModernLanguages and Cultures, Universityof Leeds and Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change, LeedsMetropolitanUniversity 03-05 December 2010,Leeds, United Kingdom The world is ever 'on the move'. The opportunities and challenges of both real and virtual travel are very much at the heart of the emergent interdisciplinary field of 'mobilities', which deals with the movement of peoples, objects, capital, information and cultures across an increasingly globalised and apparently borderless world. In the practices, processes and performances of moving – whether for voluntary leisure, forced migration or economic pragmatism – we are faced with the negotiation and re-negotiation of identities and meaning relating to places and pasts. Within the increasing complexities of global flows and encounters, intercultural skills and competencies are being challenged and and re-imagined. The vital role of languages and the intricacies of intercultural dialogue have largely remained implicit in the discourses surrounding mobilities. This Conference seeks to interrogate the role of
intercultural communication and of languages in the inevitable moments of encounter which arise from all forms of 'motion'. This international and interdisciplinary event is the 10th anniversary conference of the International Association of Languages and Intercultural Communication (IALIC) and is being organised in association with the Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change. Through this event we aim to bring together many of the sub-themes of previous IALIC conferences and focus upon the issues of culture, communication and translation in a mobile world, including: languages and intercultural communication in local and global education, tourism, hospitality, migration, translation, real and virtual border-crossings.

We are pleased to receive 20 –minute research papers or descriptions of pedagogical practice which address or go beyond the following themes:
· Moving languages - continuities and change;

· Real and virtual border crossings;

· Tourist encounters and communicating with the 'other';

· Tourism's role in inter-cultural dialogue;

· The languages of diasporas and diasporic languages;

· Dealing with dialects and the evolution/dissolution of communities;

· Hospitality and languages of welcome;

· Learning the languages of migration;

· Lingusitic boundaries and socio-cultural inclusions and exclusions;

· 'Located' and 'dislocated' languages and identities;

· Practices and performances of translation.

Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words including title and full contact details as an electronic file to Jane Wilkinson at You may submit your abstract as soon as
possible but no later than 1st June 2010.
For further details on the conference please visit: email to


Conference: Translation and Philosophy

Translation and Philosophy Symposium
University College Dublin

09:15 – 09:45 Morning Coffee
09:45 – 10:00 Opening remarks

10:00 – 10:45 Prof. Theo Harden (University College Dublin)
The awful German language or: Is ‘Die geistige Entwicklung’ ‘The mental development?’

10:45 – 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 – 12:15 Prof. Daphna Erdinast-Vulcan (University of Haifa)
Reading Oneself in Quotation Marks: At the Crossing of Disciplines
Dr. Emilie Morin (University of York)
Samuel Beckett, Fritz Mauthner and the Impossibility of Memorialisation

12:15 – 13:30 Lunch

13:30 – 14:45 Dr. Angelo Bottone (University College Dublin / Dublin Business School)
Translation and Justice in Paul Ricoeur
Andrew Whitehead (University College Cork)
Translating Ikkyu
Lisa Foran (University College Dublin)
Translation as a Path to the Other: Derrida and Ricoeur

14:45 – 15:00 Coffee break

15:00 – 16:00 David Charlston (University of Manchester)
The Translation of Intentional Ambiguity in Three Translations of Hegel’s Phänomenologie des Geistes Seferin James (University College Dublin)
Identity and the Identical in Heidegger

09:30 – 10:00 Morning Coffee

10:00 – 10:45 Prof. Maeve Cooke (University College Dublin)
Translation as Semantic Renewal

10:45 – 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 – 12:45 Dr. Alena Dvorakova (University College Dublin)
Pleasure in translation: translating Mill's Utilitarianism from English into Czech
Veronica O’Neil (University College Galway)
The Role of Translation and the Task of the Translator
Dr. Sergey Tyulenev (University of Cambridge)
Systemics and Lifeworld of Translation

12:45 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 – 15:45 Feargus James Denman (Trinity College Dublin)
Language in Pursuit of Philosophic Translations
Dr. Elad Lapidot
Translating Philosophy
Dr. John Kearns (Kazimierz Wielki University)
Philosophies of Translation in the University Curriculum: Proposals for a Critical Translation Pedagogy

15:45 – 16:00 Coffee break

16:00 – 16:45 Prof. Michael Cronin (Dublin City University)
The Spaces of Translation

16:45 – 17:00 Closing remarks

Call for papers: Traduire la diversité - Liège, May 2010

Traduire la diversité - Liège, May 2010: "

Traduire la diversité

Trois ans après un colloque axé sur traduction et éthique, qui marquait le passage d'un troisième cycle en traduction à un Master à finalité spécialisée (qui concerne désormais cinq combinaisons de langues), pour renforcer la collaboration (co-diplomation) entre la Haute Ecole de la ville de Liège et l'Université de Liège, nous proposons un colloque autour du thème

Traduire la diversité (domaines littéraire, juridique et des sciences de la vie)
Le programme provisoire de la manifestation est dès à présent disponible en ligne.

Les langues du colloque sont le français et l'anglais."

Article: Paolo Valore, La ricerca astratta come creazione di linguaggi.

La ricerca astratta come creazione di linguaggi. Quasi un manifesto
La abstrakta esplorado kiel kreado de lingvoj. Kvaza˘u manifesto

Paolo Valore

`E noto che la pianificazione di linguaggi artificiali consiste, anche e soprattutto, in un laboratorio per la ricerca astratta. In questa sorta di “manifesto” assumerò un punto di vista diverso e del tutto personale, sostenendo che la ricerca astratta, quando non puramente descrittiva, consiste, anche e soprattutto, nella creazione di linguaggi artificiali. Illustrer`o brevemente la mia affermazione mediante l’esempio della traduzione del linguaggio ordinario in una lingua logica artificiale ai fini dell’indagine ontologica.

RESUMO. Estas konate ke la planado de artefaritaj lingvoj konsistas, anka ˘u kaj ˆcefe, en laboratorio por la abstrakta esplorado. In tiu ˆci “kvaza ˘ u-manifesto” mi alprenos alian starpunkton tute personan, subtenante ke la abstrakta esplorado, kiam ˆ gi ne estas nure priskriba, konsistas, anka ˘u kaj ˆcefe, en la kreado de artefaritaj lingvoj. Mi mallonge ilustros mian aserton per la ekzemplo de la tradukado de la ordinara lingvo en artefarita logika lingvajˆo por la ontologia esplorado.


Review: Davide Saraniti, Messianismo e traduzione

Davide, Saraniti, Messianismo e traduzione.
Roma, Casini, 2009, pp. 200, € 23,00, ISBN 9788879051248.
Recensione di Angelo Bottone - 10/01/2010

Il volume di Davide Saraniti è composto di quattro capitoli, i primi due dedicati a Benjamin ed gli altri a Derrida. Non intende essere uno studio sistematico comparato ed infatti solo alla fine l’autore cerca di mettere a confronto i due pensatori. Ciò non toglie che nel corso della lettura emergano gli aspetti condivisi da questi due filosofi, in particolare le questioni della iterabilità e della contaminazione. Sin dall’inizio l’autore specifica che bisogna intendere la traduzione non solo come un passaggio fra le lingue ma soprattutto come l’evento che costituisce ogni nostra esperienza in quanto tradurre significa fare la prova delle differenze, ovunque queste si trovino. Benjamin e Derrida vengono presentati non solo per quanto sostengono a proposito della traduzione ma perché la loro stessa opera è una traduzione, un esercizio in atto. I capitoli I e II analizzano il pensiero di Benjamin sulla traduzione a partire da due scritti giovanili sul linguaggio per poi esaminare la sua produzione più matura. Il capitolo III discute la decostruzione come traduzione, affidandosi alle letture derridiane dei testi di Benjamin. Il capitolo IV è dedicato al messianismo e ad un confronto fra i due filosofi proprio a partire da questa problematica.


Call for papers: Translation and Philosophy


THURSDAY 25th and FRIDAY 26th MARCH 2010.


PROF. MICHAEL CRONIN (Dublin City University)
The Spaces of Translation

PROF. THEO HARDEN (University College Dublin)
The Awful German Language or: Is ‘Die geistige Entwicklung’ ‘The mental development?’

DR. EMILIE MORIN (University of York)
Samuel Beckett, Fritz Mauthner and the Impossibility of Memorialisation

Papers are invited on the theme ‘Translation and Philosophy’ for a two day symposium in March at University College Dublin.

The aim of the symposium is to explore the relationship between these two disciplines and papers are welcome from across a range of disciplines including, but not limited to: Translation Studies, Philosophy (both Continental and Analytic), German, French, and English Literature, Linguistics and Intercultural Studies. Papers are particularly welcome from graduate students working in relevant areas. Papers may focus on some of the below questions, or on any aspect of the relationship between these two traditions:

What is the nature of the relationship between translation and philosophy? In their mutual search for meaning and greater understanding in what way can they be said to be similar? What are their differences? With philosophy, perhaps more than any other genre, translation is pushed to the limits in an effort to carry across terms that are not existent in the target language – words like différance, Geist, Dasein, to name but a few, are common currency in the English speaking philosophical world, how does this impact on English as a language in general? Could philosophy be said to be a type of translation? Is translation itself philosophical? Given that many of the great philosophical works are read in translation, to what extent is philosophy dependent on translation? To what extent has translation modified and re-invented the work of philosophers? From Descartes to Ricoeur philosophy has often strived to provide a ‘theory of translation’, what impact, if any, do these theories have on translation in practice? Is there a ‘perfect’ translation?

Papers should be appropriate for a 20-30 minute presentation. Full paper and abstracts (of 200-400 words) should be emailed to no later than 26TH FEBRUARY 2010, please indicate ‘Translation and Philosophy Symposium’ in the subject line.

Conference: Translating Wittgenstein


All talks will be held at:
Institut fuer Philosophie der Universitaet Wien,
Neues Institutsgebaeude (NIG), 3. Stock, Hoersaal 3D,
1010 Wien, Universitaetsstrasse 7.



3.30pm Welcoming words
Esther Ramharter (Wien)
Matthias Kross (Potsdam)

4pm Dilek Dizdar (Mainz/Germersheim)
"Travelling Concepts" -- Das Neue der Translationswissenschaft

5pm Martin Kusch (Vienna)
Wittgenstein on Translation

6pm James Conant (Chicago)
Translating Wittgenstein


10am Christoph Koenig (Osnabrück)
Das verlorene "Unaussprechliche"
Wittgensteins philologischer Kommentar auf Englisch, am Beispiel Ludwig Uhlands (1917)

11am Alfred Nordmann (Darmstadt)
"Die Hypothese unterscheidet sich vom Satz" -- Zur Uebersetzbarkeit von Gedanken

12noon Joachim Schulte (Zurich)
Die Revision der englischen Uebersetzung von Wittgensteins Philosophischen Untersuchungen -- Ein Erfahrungsbericht


3pm Katalin Neumer (Budapest)
Verfuehrt auch die ungarische Sprache das Denken oder lassen sich auch die Ungarn therapieren?

4pm Melika Ouelbani (Tunis/Paris)
Was ist "Uebersetzen" für Wittgenstein -- Eine franzoesische Perspektive

5pm Marco Brusotti (Lecce)
Philosophische Probleme uebersetzen -- Anmerkungen zu Wittgenstein in Italien

This symposium will focus on the concrete example of translating Wittgenstein's
writings in order to highlight the difficulties in translating philosophical
texts but also to shed light on the scope of a philosophy of translation.
Furthermore, Wittgenstein's own thoughts concerning the problem of
translation and their bearing on recent research in translation theory will be

For more information, please contact
Dr Esther Ramharter

Chapter: Jane Wilhelm and Michel Schnarenberger, ‘Lire pour traduire, une approche herméneutique de la traduction spécialisée.'

Jane Wilhelm and Michel Schnarenberger ‘Lire pour traduire, une approche herméneutique de la traduction spécialisée.’ in Lavault-Olléon, Elisabeth (ed.): Traduction spécialisée : pratiques, théories, formations, Berne : Peter Lang, 2007, 91-102.


Book: Miseria y esplendor de la traducción. La influencia de Ortega en la traductología

Autora: Pilar Ordóñez López.
Universitat Jaume I .
Estudios sobre la traducción.
Castellón de la Plana, 2009.
Número de páginas: 284.
ISBN: 978-84-8021-691-3.

En esta obra, tesis doctoral de Pilar Ordóñez López, se analiza la concepción orteguiana de la traducción para evaluar la relevancia de las ideas de Ortega en la traductología contemporánea occidental. La obra de Ortega, publicada en 1937, se ha convertido en el objeto de estudio de diferentes teóricos, aunque su influencia en la traductología contemporánea no había sido tratada con la profundidad y rigor con la que se desarrolla en esta publicación. El estudio se inicia con una descripción general de la línea de investigación y posteriormente continúa con el análisis de la obra orteguiana, de su concepción del lenguaje y del marco contextual del ensayo.

Por último, se realiza un estudio sobre la divulgación de la obra en la traductología contemporánea, sobre la presencia de las ideas orteguianas en las reflexiones teóricas más destacadas de la literatura traductológica occidental contemporánea. La obra pone de manifiesto la amplia difusión alcanzada por «Miseria y esplendor de la traducción», materializada en múltiples ediciones y su traducción a ocho lenguas diferentes, y demuestra que el ensayo orteguiano constituye una presencia constante, dinámica y operativa en la literatura traductológica occidental desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX hasta la actualidad.



1. Traductología: historia de la traducción.

2. Concepción del lenguaje de Ortega y Gasset: contexto ideológico de Miseria y esplendor de la traducción.

3. Análisis de Miseria y esplendor de la traducción.

4. Divulgación de Miseria y esplendor de la traducción.

5. La influencia de Ortega y Gasset en la traductología del ámbito español.

6. La influencia de Ortega y Gasset en la traductología occidental.

7. Conclusiones.




Book: Paul Ricœur, Tradurre l’intraducibile.

Paul Ricoeur

Tradurre l'intraducibile
Sulla traduzione

Collana In dialogo

pp. 168 Prezzo € 12,50 ISBN 978-88-401-5016-1

Non è esagerato dire che, nel panorama delle ricerche ermeneutiche del Novecento, Paul Ricoeur, con la sua ricca bibliografia che va dal 1947 al 2005 anno della morte, ha posto sulla scena la cruciale tematica del linguaggio come luogo in cui affiora il problema del senso e come mediazione dell’interpretazione generale del mondo.

La traduzione e i poblemi che essa pone, tanto sul piano linguistico quanto su quello più ampio e specifico della filosofia del pensiero parlante, sono al centro della riflessione ermeneutica degli ultimi scritti di Paul Ricoeur.
Il volume contiene la traduzione di tre brevi e suggestivi saggi: Sfida e fortuna della traduzione, del 1997; Il paradigma della traduzione, del 1998; e Un ‘passaggio’: tradurre l’intraducibile, del 2004. Un insieme coerente, coinvolgente, efficace attraverso il quale il Filosofo tenta di risolvere il perenne dilemma etico e teoretico posto da qualsiasi esercizio di inter-comunicazione culturale tra diverse lingue parlate e scritte. Fedeltà e tradimento, il problema etico; costruzione della comparabilità in assenza di una lingua comune e originaria, il problema teoretico.
A corredo il volume contiene due saggi di Mirela Oliva; uno d’introduzione al tema e l’altro di inquadramento di esso nel contesto degli sviluppi eremenutici contemporanei.


Article: Felix Christen, Verhältnisse. Heideggers „Bemerkung zum Übersetzen“

Felix Christen: Verhältnisse. Heideggers „Bemerkung zum Übersetzen“
in: Variations, Literaturzeitschrift der Universität Zürich, Translatio (16), pp. 119-130.

Martin Heidegger entwirft inmitten seiner Vorlesung vom Sommersemester 1942 eine Übersetzungstheorie. Diese „Bemerkung zum Übersetzen“ stellt eine philologische Weise der Übersetzung infrage, welche sich nur an Wörterbüchern orientiert, indem Heidegger auf die Bedingungen der Erstellung eines Wörterbuchs hinweist. Zugleich impliziert die „Bemerkung zum Übersetzen“ im Zusammenhang der Vorlesung ein Denken, das die fremde Sprache der eigenen unterordnet und so das Verhältnis zum Fremden als ethischen Grund der Übersetzung vergisst.


Article: Arno Renken, Vous parlez pour les autres et ils pensent pour vous? La traduction et l'étrangeté de la philosophie

Arno Renken, “Vous parlez pour les autres et ils pensent pour vous? La traduction et l'étrangeté de la philosophie”, in: Variations, Literaturzeitschrift der Universität Zürich, Translatio (16), 75-89.

Entre philosophie et traduction semble se dessiner un conflit. On souligne souvent les difficultés qu’il y a à traduire la philosophie. Réciproquement, la philosophie est rarement considérée comme un usage de la langue donnant lieu à une expérience de lecture. En s’appuyant sur une analyse du Discours de la méthode que Descartes rédige en français et non en latin, ainsi que sur le notion d’étranger telle qu’elle a été définie par Bernhard Waldenfels, il s’agit de saisir ce que la traduction, pour un lecteur, fait à la philosophie. Comprise comme étrangeté de la philosophie, la traduction inscrit une inquiétude productive dans la philosophie qui ne saurait être ni exclue, ni normalisée. La traduction est alors une chance puisqu’elle est le lieu d’une écriture et d’une lecture qui continuent – autrement.


Table of Contents: Translation Studies

Translation Studies
Volume 3, Issue 1 is now available at

Original Articles
Sociology of literature, sociology of translation: The reception of Irène Némirovsky's Suite française in France and Britain
Author: Angela Kershaw

Pseudotranslation in the fiction of Akutagawa Ryu-nosuke
Authors: Thomas O. Beebee; Ikuho Amano

Reading multimodal translational webs Dialogue of the visual and the verbal in Vanity Fair's publication of Chronicle of a Death Foretold
Author: Anna Fochi

What happens if we think that translating is a wave?
Author: Ubaldo Stecconi

Medieval literature through the lens of translation theory Bridging the interpretive gap
Author: Lynne Long

Reading from the outside: The uses of translation for Virginia Woolf's “common reader”
Author: Jennifer Raterman

Translation Studies Forum: Cultural translation
Authors: Mary Louise Pratt; Birgit Wagner; Ovidi Carbonell i Cortés; Andrew Chesterman; Maria Tymoczko

Book reviews
Authors: Angelo Bottone; M. Teresa Caneda Cabrera; Reine Meylaerts; Anne Markey

Notes on contributors

Call for papers: Translation and Philosophy



Papers are invited on the theme ‘Translation and Philosophy’ for a two day symposium in March at University College Dublin.

The aim of the symposium is to explore the relationship between these two disciplines and papers are welcome from across a range of disciplines including, but not limited to: Translation Studies, Philosophy (both Continental and Analytic), German, French and English Literature, Linguistics and Intercultural Studies. Papers are particularly welcome from graduate students working in relevant areas. Papers may focus on some of the below questions, or on any aspect of the relationship between these two traditions:

What is the nature of the relationship between translation and philosophy? In their mutual search for meaning and greater understanding in what way can they be said to be similar? What are their differences? With philosophy, perhaps more than any other genre, translation is pushed to the limits in an effort to carry across terms that are not existent in the target language – words like différance, Geist, Dasein, to name but a few, are common currency in the English speaking philosophical world, how does this impact on English as a language in general? Could philosophy be said to be a type of translation? Is translation itself philosophical? Given that many of the great philosophical works are read in translation, to what extent is philosophy dependent on translation? To what extent has translation modified and re-invented the work of philosophers? From Descartes to Ricoeur philosophy has often strived to provide a ‘theory of translation’, what impact, if any, do these theories have on translation in practice? Is there a ‘perfect’ translation?

Papers should be appropriate for a 20-30 minute presentation. Full paper and abstracts (of 200-400 words) should be emailed to no later than 26TH FEBRUARY 2010, please indicate ‘Translation and Philosophy Symposium’ in the subject line.

Article: Shiyang Ran, Philosophical Interpretation on E. A. Nida’s Definition of Translation

Philosophical Interpretation on E. A. Nida’s Definition of Translation

Shiyang Ran
School of Foreign Languages, Shandong University
School of Foreign Languages, Yangtze Normal University
No 35, Jiangdong Region, Fuling 408100, Chongqing, China

Since 1980s, E.A. Nida’s translation equivalence theory experiences a history of rising, booming and declining in China, and his translation theories and concepts are also widely quoted and discussed. However, the focuses are mainly on what is equivalence, the realization of equivalence, what levels of equivalence, the applicability of his theory and mistranslation of his translation in China, and no one discusses his definition of translation from the perspective of philosophy. As the definition of translation will represent the basis and starting point for translation studies, analysing on it will facilitate our understanding to the theory. In this article, based on the tendency of absolutization to his definition, it is to analyse the presupposition and shortage of the definition by philosophical analysis and to urge following researchers to adopt a dialectic and critical attitude to western translation theories, which may advance Chinese translation studies in future.


Book: Gino Giometti Martin Heidegger. Filosofia della traduzione

Gino Giometti
Martin Heidegger. Filosofia della traduzione
Che nell’opera di Heidegger vi fossero spunti importanti di una riflessione sulla traduzione era noto; ma che proprio la traduzione potesse fornire la chiave per un confronto decisivo con tutto il suo pensiero, che – come suggerisce senza riserve il titolo – la filosofia di Heidegger fosse essenzialmente una teoria della traduzione, ecco una tesi davvero innovativa nella già troppo vasta letteratura heideggeriana.
Giometti non si limiterà, però, ad argomentare con rigore e intelligenza queste tesi; egli esamina la stessa prassi della traduzione in Heidegger, le sue tanto discusse traduzioni dai greci per scorgervi il luogo in cui il pensiero del filosofo trova il suo limite e, insieme, il suo compimento e dice ciò che non avrebbe altrimenti potuto dire. E, in questo punto in cui teoria e prassi conducono nel concetto estremo di “uso”, comincia a poco a poco a delinearsi la figura di un’altra lingua, la “lingua in cui l’occidente si traduce” nel suo incessante corpo a corpo con le proprie origini e la propria fine.

Indice: 1. Il problema della traduzione (gli scritti fra il 1941 e il 1946) - 2. Essere e tempo. La tradizione come ripetizione - 3. Hölderlin. La ripetizione come accadimento linguistico - 4. La tradizione come «Zwiesprache» - 5. Interlingua e Uso - Bibliografia


Book: Francesca Ervas, Uguale ma diverso. Il mito dell'equivalenza nella traduzione

Francesca Ervas

Uguale ma diverso
Il mito dell'equivalenza nella traduzione

Che cos’è una traduzione? Che relazione intrattiene con ciò che chiamiamo “originale”? Per rispondere a queste domande occorre in primo luogo cercare di comprendere che tipo di relazione è la traduzione, per dare un nome ad un rapporto con l’“originale” che non può essere né di assoluta uguaglianza né di assoluta diversità.
La lunga storia della traduzione ci dice che a questa relazione sono stati dati diversi nomi: da quello di “fedeltà” e di “libertà” delle prime riflessioni sul problema, fino al più specifico modo di intenderlo, nelle teorie contemporanee, come “relazione di equivalenza”. Quest’ultimo tentativo è al centro della ricerca presentata in questo libro, che lo sottopone a una serrata analisi critica per evidenziarne tutte le debolezze. Dall’altro lato, il lavoro cerca di far emergere un percorso alternativo che proponga un nuovo modo di intendere il concetto di equivalenza, basato su uno “sfondo comune”, una base condivisa capace di render conto della traduzione nella differenza.

Sommario: Introduzione - I. Di equivalenza si può parlare in molti modi - II. L’unità di traduzione - III. Avere lo stesso significato - IV. L’invarianza del valore - Bibliografia - Indice dei nomi

Il volume ha ricevuto la Menzione speciale del Premio di filosofia "Viaggio a Siracura" 2009.
