Article: Hospitalité et traduction. Pour penser dans le cadre de la philosophie de la libération

MENA MALET P., Hospitalité et traduction. Pour penser dans le cadre de la philosophie de la libération (text read at the University Federico II, Tuesday 26 June 2007 at Naples).

Article: Ethical Problems in Translation: Why We Might Need Steiner After All

Phil Goodwin (2010): “Ethical Problems in Translation: Why We Might Need Steiner After All” in: The Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication, Volume 16, Number 1, 2010, p. 19-42

Abstract: Translation represents the quintessential ethical situation of the encounter with the other. Beginning from Levinas, this paper argues that translation is intrinsically ethical. Making extensive use of a case study from the theoretical literature (Jenin, Jenin, in Baker 2006), the paper demonstrates that the issues raised by this translation are profoundly ethical, rather than merely technical. Attempts to resolve these issues by 'importing' an ethical theory (rights theory is the example used here) are shown to be unsuccessful. However, the hermeneutical model of translation already contains within itself an ethics of translation. This is exemplified by Steiner's hermeneutic of translation as described in After Babel (Steiner 1975/1998). After considering some objections to Steiner's work, the paper argues that it
should be regarded as a bridge between Levinas' philosophical ethics and the practical issues of translation.

Journal: Paradigmi


Lunedì 10 maggio, alle ore 17.30, presso l'Aula Motzo della Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, verrà presentato il numero monografico della rivista filosofica “Paradigmi” (2, 2009) sul tema della traduzione.

Luca Illetterati (Università di Padova)

Rosaria Egidi (Università Roma Tre)
Lia Formigari (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”) Elisabetta Gola (Università di Cagliari) Giulia Piredda (Università di Cagliari) Pietro Storari (Università di Cagliari)

Sarà presente la curatrice del volume: Francesca Ervas.

L'evento è organizzato dal Dipartimento di Scienze pedagogiche e filosofiche e dal corso di laurea in Scienze della comunicazione dell’Università di Cagliari.